Loki: recent publications

Videos related to some of these publications are listed on a separate page.

International conference papers Y. Chen, G. Casiez, S. Malacria & D. Vogel. LuxAR: A Direct Manipulation Projected Display to Extend and Augment Desktop Computing. In Proceedings of the Graphics Interface conference (GI 2024), June 2024. [HAL]GI D. Masson, S. Malacria, G. Casiez & D. Vogel. DirectGPT: A Direct Manipulation Interface to Interact with Large Language Models. In Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2024), May 2024. ACM. [HAL] Honorable mentionCHI ★ J. F. Gonzalez, T. Pietrzak, A. Girouard & G. Casiez. Understanding the Challenges of OpenSCAD Users for 3D Printing. In Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2024), May 2024. [HAL]CHI J. Gori, B. Fruchard & G. Bailly. Model-based Evaluation of Recall-based Interaction Techniques. In Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2024), p. 1-16, May 2024. ACM. [HAL]CHI J. F. Gonzalez, T. Pietrzak, A. Girouard & G. Casiez. Facilitating the Parametric Definition of Geometric Properties in Programming-Based CAD. In Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology (UIST 2024), October 2024. Association for Computing Machinery. [HAL]UIST V. Lambert, A. Goguey, S. Malacria & L. Nigay. Studying the Simultaneous Visual Representation of Microgestures. In Proceedings of the ACM International Conference on Mobile Human-Computer Interaction (MobileHCI 2024), September 2024. [HAL]MobileHCI S. Lavenant, A. Goguey, S. Malacria, L. Nigay & T. Pietrzak. Studying the Perception of Vibrotactile Haptic Cues on the Finger, Hand and Forearm for Representing Microgestures. In Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR 2024), October 2024. [HAL]ISMAR R. Perraud, A. Tabard & S. Malacria. Tutorial Mismatches: Investigating the Frictions due to Interface Differences when Following Software Video Tutorials. In A. for Computing Machinery, N. York, NY & USA, editors, Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Designing Interactive Systems (DIS 2024), p. 1942 - 1955, July 2024. [HAL]DIS G. Richard, T. Pietrzak, F. Argelaguet, A. Lécuyer & G. Casiez. MultiVibes: What if your VR Controller had 10 Times more Vibrotactile Actuators? In Proceedings of ISMAR'23, p. 1-10, October 2023. [HAL]ISMAR D. Masson, S. Malacria, G. Casiez & D. Vogel. Statslator: Interactive Translation of NHST and Estimation Statistics Reporting Styles in Scientific Documents. In Proceedings of UIST'23, p. 1-14, October 2023. [ACM] [HAL]UIST J. F. Gonzalez, D. Kieken, T. Pietrzak, A. Girouard & G. Casiez. Introducing Bidirectional Programming in Constructive Solid Geometry-Based CAD. In Proceedings of SUI'23, October 2023. ACM. [ACM] [HAL]SUI V. Lambert, A. C. Caillet, A. Goguey, S. Malacria & L. Nigay. Studying the Visual Representation of Microgestures. In Proceedings of MobileHCI'23, September 2023. [ACM] [HAL]MobileHCI E. Mackamul, G. Casiez & S. Malacria. Exploring Visual Signifier Characteristics to Improve the Perception of Affordances of In-Place Touch Inputs. In Proceedings of MobileHCI'23, September 2023. [ACM] [HAL] Honorable mentionMobileHCI ★ L. Mosesso, N. Maudet, E. Nano, T. Thibault & A. Tabard. Obsolescence Paths: living with aging devices. In Proceedings of ICT4S'23, June 2023. [HAL]ICT4S Y. C. Chen, G. Casiez, S. Malacria & E. Lank. Exploring the Effects of Intended Use on Targeting in Virtual Reality. In Proceedings of GI'23, May 2023. [HAL]GI B. Fruchard, S. Malacria, G. Casiez & S. Huot. User Preference and Performance using Tagging and Browsing for Image Labeling. In Proceedings of CHI'23, April 2023. [ACM] [HAL]CHI D. Masson, S. Malacria, D. Vogel, E. Lank & G. Casiez. ChartDetective: Easy and Accurate Interactive Data Extraction from Complex Vector Charts. In Proceedings of CHI'23, April 2023. [ACM] [HAL] Best paperCHI ★ D. Masson, S. Malacria, G. Casiez & D. Vogel. Charagraph: Interactive Generation of Charts for Realtime Annotation of Data-Rich Paragraphs. In Proceedings of CHI'23, April 2023. [ACM] [HAL]CHI R. Dobinson, M. Teyssier, J. Steimle & B. Fruchard. MicroPress: Detecting Pressure and Hover Distance in Thumb-to-Finger Interactions. In Proceedings of SUI'22, p. 1-10, December 2022. ACM. [ACM] [HAL] Honorable mentionSUI ★ J. Cauquis, V. R. Mercado, G. Casiez, J-M. Normand & A. Lécuyer. "Kapow!": Studying the Design of Visual Feedback for Representing Contacts in Extended Reality. In Proceedings of VRST 2022, November 2022. [HAL]VRST C. Frisson, M. Kirkegaard, T. Pietrzak & M. M. Wanderley. ForceHost: an open-source toolchain for generating firmware embedding the authoring and rendering of audio and force-feedback haptics. In Proceedings of NIME 2022, p. 34, June 2022. PubPub. [...] [HAL]NIME T. West & K. Leung. Early prototypes and artistic practice with the mubone. In Proceedings of NIME 2022, June 2022. PubPub. [...] [HAL]NIME T. West. Pitch Fingering Systems and the Search for Perfection. In Proceedings of NIME 2022, June 2022. PubPub. [...] [HAL]NIME T. Raffaillac & S. Huot. What do Researchers Need when Implementing Novel Interaction Techniques? In Proceedings of EICS 2022, p. 159-188, June 2022. ACM. [ACM] [HAL] Best paperEICS ★ G. Richard, T. Pietrzak, F. Argelaguet Sanz, A. Lécuyer & G. Casiez. Within or Between? Comparing Experimental Designs for Virtual Embodiment Studies. In Proceedings of IEEE VR 2022, March 2022. IEEE. [IEEE] [HAL]VR D. Wittchen, K. Spiel, B. Fruchard, D. Degraen, O. Schneider, G. Freitag & P. Strohmeier. TactJam: An End-to-End Prototyping Suite for Collaborative Design of On-Body Vibrotactile Feedback. In Proceedings of TEI'22, p. 1-13, February 2022. ACM. [ACM] [HAL]TEI M. Baloup, T. Pietrzak, M. Hachet & G. Casiez. Non-isomorphic Interaction Techniques for Controlling Avatar Facial Expressions in VR. In Proceedings of VRST'21, December 2021. ACM. [ACM] [HAL]VRST R. Hanada, D. Masson, G. Casiez, M. Nancel & S. Malacria. Relevance and Applicability of Hardware-independent Pointing Transfer Functions. In Proceedings of UIST'21, October 2021. ACM. [ACM] [HAL]UIST Q. Roy, S. T. Perrault, K. Fennedy, T. Pietrzak & A. Roudaut. Understanding User Strategies When Touching Arbitrary Shaped Objects. In Proceedings of MobileHCI'21, September 2021. ACM. [ACM] [HAL]MobileHCI H. Rateau, Y. Rekik, E. Lank & K. Katsuragawa. EdgeMark Menu: A 1D Menu for Curved Edge Display Smartphones. In Proceedings of MobileHCI'21, September 2021. ACM. [ACM] [HAL]MobileHCI A. Guerrero, T. Pietrzak & A. Girouard. HyperBrush: Exploring the Influence of Flexural Stiffness on the Performance and Preference for Bendable Stylus Interfaces. In Proceedings of Interact'21, August 2021. [Springer] [HAL]Interact T. West, B. Caramiaux, S. Huot & M. M. Wanderley. Making Mappings: Design Criteria for Live Performance. In Proceedings of NIME'21, June 2021. [...] [HAL]NIME A. Antoine, S. Malacria, N. Marquardt & G. Casiez. Interaction Illustration Taxonomy: Classification of Styles and Techniques for Visually Representing Interaction Scenarios. In Proceedings of CHI'21, May 2021. ACM. [ACM] [HAL] Honorable mention (top 5% of all submissions)CHI ★ Q. Roy, S. Berlioux, G. Casiez & D. Vogel. Typing Efficiency and Suggestion Accuracy Influence the Benefits and Adoption of Word Suggestions. In Proceedings of CHI'21, May 2021. ACM. [ACM] [HAL] Honorable mention (top 5% of all submissions)CHI ★ P. Schmid, S. Malacria, A. Cockburn & M. Nancel. Interaction Interferences: Implications of Last-Instant System State Changes. In Proceedings of UIST'20, October 2020. ACM. [ACM] [HAL]UIST A. Antoine, M. Nancel, E. Ge, J. Zheng, N. Zolghadr & G. Casiez. Modeling and Reducing Spatial Jitter caused by Asynchronous Input and Output Rates. In Proceedings of UIST'20, October 2020. ACM. [ACM] [HAL]UIST K. Fennedy, S. Malacria, H. Lee & S. Perrault. Investigating Performance and Usage of Input Methods for Soft Keyboard Hotkeys. In Proceedings of MobileHCI, October 2020. [ACM] [HAL]MobileHCI J. Alvina, A. Bunt, P. K. Chilana, S. Malacria & J. McGrenere. Where is that Feature? Designing for Cross-Device Software Learnability. In Proceedings of DIS'20, July 2020. ACM. [ACM] [HAL]DIS R. Ushirobira, D. Efimov, G. Casiez, L. Fernandez, F. Olsson & A. Medvedev. Detection of signs of Parkinson's disease using dynamical features via an indirect pointing device. In Proceedings of IFAC 2020, July 2020. IFAC. [HAL]IFAC B. Lee, M. Nancel, S. Kim & A. Oulasvirta. AutoGain: Gain Function Adaptation with Submovement Efficiency Optimization. In Proceedings of CHI'20, April 2020. ACM. [ACM] [HAL]CHI L. A. Elkin, J-B. Beau, G. Casiez & D. Vogel. Manipulation, Learning, and Recall with Tangible Pen-Like Input. In Proceedings of CHI'20, April 2020. ACM. [ACM] [HAL]CHI M. Foley, G. Casiez & D. Vogel. Comparing Smartphone Speech Recognition and Touchscreen Typing for Composition and Transcription. In Proceedings of CHI'20, April 2020. ACM. [ACM] [HAL]CHI J. Henderson, S. Malacria, M. Nancel & E. Lank. Investigating the Necessity of Delay in Marking Menu Invocation. In Proceedings of CHI'20, April 2020. ACM. [ACM] [HAL]CHI D. Masson, S. Malacria, E. Lank & G. Casiez. Chameleon: Bringing Interactivity to Static Digital Documents. In Proceedings of CHI'20, April 2020. ACM. [ACM] [HAL]CHI H. Si-Mohammed, C. Lopes-Dias, M. Duarte, F. Argelaguet Sanz, C. Jeunet, G. Casiez, G. Müller-Putz, A. Lécuyer & R. Scherer. Detecting System Errors in Virtual Reality Using EEG Through Error-Related Potentials. In Proceedings of IEEE VR 2020, p. 653-661, March 2020. IEEE. [IEEE] [HAL]VR N. K. C. Pong & S. Malacria. Awareness, Usage and Discovery of Swipe-revealed Hidden Widgets in iOS. In Proceedings of ISS'19, p. to appear, November 2019. [HAL]ISS A. Antoine, S. Malacria, N. Marquardt & G. Casiez. Esquisse: Using 3D Models Staging to Facilitate the Creation of Vector-based Trace Figures. In Proceedings of INTERACT'19, p. to appear, September 2019. [HAL]Interact Q. Roy, C. Zakaria, S. Perrault, M. Nancel, W. Kim, A. Misra & A. Cockburn. A Comparative Study of Pointing Techniques for Eyewear Using a Simulated Pedestrian Environment. In Proceedings of INTERACT'19, p. to appear, September 2019. [HAL]Interact H. Si-Mohammed, G. Casiez, F. Argelaguet Sanz, N. Roussel & A. Lécuyer. Defining Brain-Computer Interfaces: A Human-Computer Interaction Perspective. In Proceedings of GBCIC'19, p. 1-4, September 2019. [HAL]GBCIC T. Raffaillac & S. Huot. Polyphony: Programming Interfaces and Interactions with the Entity-Component-System Model. In Proceedings of EICS'19, p. 1-22, June 2019. ACM. [ACM] [HAL] Best paperEICS ★ J. Henderson, J. Avery, L. Grisoni & E. Lank. Leveraging Distal Vibrotactile Feedback for Target Acquisition. In Proceedings of CHI'19, p. 1-11, May 2019. ACM. [ACM] [HAL]CHI M. Baloup, T. Pietrzak & G. Casiez. RayCursor: a 3D Pointing Facilitation Technique based on Raycasting. In Proceedings of CHI'19, May 2019. ACM. [ACM] [HAL]CHI M. Nancel, S. Aranovskiy, R. Ushirobira, D. Efimov, S. Poulmane, N. Roussel & G. Casiez. Next-Point Prediction for Direct Touch Using Finite-Time Derivative Estimation. In Proceedings of UIST'18, October 2018. ACM. [ACM] [HAL]UIST J. Barbosa, M. M. Wanderley & S. Huot. ZenStates: Easy-to-Understand Yet Expressive Specifications for Creative Interactive Environments. In Proceedings of VL/HCC'18, p. 167-175, October 2018. IEEE. [IEEE] [HAL]VL/HCC A. Goguey, G. Casiez, A. Cockburn & C. Gutwin. Storyboard-Based Empirical Modelling of Touch Interface Performance. In Proceedings of CHI'18, April 2018. ACM. [ACM] [HAL] Honorable mention (top 5% of all submissions)CHI ★ A. Goguey, S. Malacria & C. Gutwin. Improving Discoverability and Expert Performance in Force-Sensitive Text Selection for Touch Devices with Mode Gauges. In Proceedings of CHI'18, April 2018. ACM. [ACM] [HAL] [YouTube]CHI S. Siddhpuria, S. Malacria, M. Nancel & E. Lank. Pointing at a Distance with Everyday Smart Devices. In Proceedings of CHI'18, April 2018. ACM. [ACM] [HAL] [YouTube]CHI A. Antoine, S. Malacria & G. Casiez. Using High Frequency Accelerometer and Mouse to Compensate for End-to-end Latency in Indirect Interaction. In Proceedings of CHI'18, p. 1-11, April 2018. ACM. [ACM] [HAL] [YouTube]CHI J. Avery, S. Malacria, M. Nancel, G. Casiez & E. Lank. Introducing Transient Gestures to Improve Pan and Zoom on Touch Surfaces. In Proceedings of CHI'18, April 2018. ACM. [ACM] [HAL] [YouTube]CHI A. Goguey, G. Casiez, D. Vogel & C. Gutwin. Characterizing Finger Pitch and Roll Orientation During Atomic Touch Actions. In Proceedings of CHI'18, p. 1-12, April 2018. ACM. [ACM] [HAL]CHI F. Kalantari, D. Gueorguiev, E. Lank, N. Bremard & L. Grisoni. Exploring Fingers' Limitation of Texture Density Perception on Ultrasonic Haptic Displays. In Proceedings of EuroHaptics 2018, June 2018. Springer International Publishing. [HAL]EuroHaptics F. Kalantari, E. Lank, Y. Rekik, L. Grisoni & F. Giraud. Determining the Haptic Feedback Position for Optimizing the Targeting Performance on Ultrasonic Tactile Displays. In Proceedings of HAPTICS 2018, March 2018. IEEE. [HAL]Haptics H. Si-Mohammed, F. Argelaguet Sanz, G. Casiez, N. Roussel & A. Lécuyer. Brain-Computer Interfaces and Augmented Reality: A State of the Art. In Graz Brain-Computer Interface Conference, September 2017. [HAL]GBCIC S. Aranovskiy, R. Ushirobira, D. Efimov & G. Casiez. Frequency Domain Forecasting Approach for Latency Reduction in Direct Human-Computer Interaction. In proceedings of CDC 2017, p. 1-6, December 2017. [HAL]CDC D. Masson, A. Goguey, S. Malacria & G. Casiez. WhichFingers: Identifying Fingers on Touch Surfaces and Keyboards using Vibration Sensors. In Proceedings of UIST'17, p. 41-48, October 2017. ACM. [ACM] [HAL]UIST G. Casiez, T. Pietrzak, D. Marchal, S. Poulmane, M. Falce & N. Roussel. Characterizing Latency in Touch and Button-Equipped Interactive Systems. In Proceedings of UIST'17, p. 29-39, October 2017. ACM. [HAL]UIST N. Fellion, T. Pietrzak & A. Girouard. FlexStylus: leveraging flexion input for pen interaction. In Proceedings of UIST'17, p. 375-385, October 2017. ACM. [HAL]UIST A. Gupta, T. Pietrzak, C. Yau, N. Roussel & R. Balakrishnan. Summon and Select: Rapid Interaction with Interface Controls in Mid-air. In Proceedings of ISS 2017, p. 52-61, October 2017. ACM. [HAL]ISS J. Wang, J. Malloch, S. Huot, F. Chevalier & M. M. Wanderley. Versioning and Annotation Support for Collaborative Mapping Design. In Proceedings of SMC-17, p. 275-278, July 2017. [...] [HAL]SMC T. Raffaillac, S. Huot & S. Ducasse. Turning Function Calls Into Animations. In Proceedings of EICS'17, p. 81-86, June 2017. ACM. [ACM] [HAL]EICS J. Barbosa, M. M. Wanderley & S. Huot. Exploring Playfulness in NIME Design: The Case of Live Looping Tools. In Proceedings of NIME'17, p. 87-92, May 2017. [...] [HAL]NIME M. Nancel & E. Lank. Modeling User Performance on Curved Constrained Paths. In Proceedings of CHI'17, p. 244-254, May 2017. ACM. [ACM] [HAL]CHI A. Antoine, S. Malacria & G. Casiez. ForceEdge: controlling autoscroll on both desktop and mobile computers using the force. In Proceedings of CHI'17, p. 3281-3292, May 2017. ACM. [ACM] [HAL]CHI E. Giannisakis, G. Bailly, S. Malacria & F. Chevalier. IconHK: using toolbar button icons to communicate keyboard shortcuts. In Proceedings of CHI'17, p. 4715-4726, May 2017. ACM. [ACM] [HAL]CHI A. Evain, F. A. Sanz, N. Roussel, G. Casiez & A. Lécuyer. Can I think of something else when using a BCI? Cognitive demand of an SSVEP-based BCI. In Proceedings of CHI'17, p. 5120-5125, May 2017. ACM. [ACM] [Inria Lille]CHI S. Aranovskiy, R. Ushirobira, D. Efimov & G. Casiez. Modeling pointing tasks in mouse-based Human-Computer interactions. In Proceedings of CDC 2016, December 2016. IEEE. [HAL]CDC M. Nancel, D. Vogel, B. De Araùjo, R. Jota & G. Casiez. Next-point prediction metrics for perceived spatial errors. In Proceedings of UIST'16, p. 271-285, October 2016. ACM. [ACM] [HAL] [YouTube]UIST T. Jacob, G. Bailly, E. Lecolinet, G. Casiez & M. Teyssier. Desktop orbital camera motions using rotational head movements. In Proceedings of SUI'16, p. 139-148, October 2016. ACM. [ACM] [HAL] [YouTube]SUI A. Evain, F. A. Sanz, A. Strock, N. Roussel, G. Casiez & A. Lécuyer. Influence of error rate on frustration of BCI users. In Proceedings of AVI'16, p. 248-251, June 2016. ACM. [ACM] [HAL]AVI R. Ushirobira, D. Efimov, G. Casiez, N. Roussel & W. Perruquetti. A forecasting algorithm for latency compensation in indirect Human-Computer interactions. In Proceedings of ECC'16, p. 1081-1086, June 2016. IEEE. [IEEE] [HAL]ECC A. Goguey, M. Nancel, G. Casiez & D. Vogel. The performance and preference of different fingers and chords for pointing, dragging, and object transformation. In Proceedings of CHI'16, p. 4250-4261, May 2016. ACM. [ACM] [HAL] [YouTube]CHI A. Gupta, T. Pietrzak, N. Roussel & R. Balakrishnan. Direct manipulation in tactile displays. In Proceedings of CHI'16, p. 3683-3693, May 2016. ACM. [ACM] [HAL] [YouTube] Honorable mention (top 5% of all submissions)CHI ★ J. Cauchard, J. Cheng, T. Pietrzak & J. Landay. Activibe: design and evaluation of vibrations for progress monitoring. In Proceedings of CHI'16, p. 3261-3271, May 2016. ACM. [ACM] [HAL] [YouTube]CHI G. Bailly, S. Sahdev, S. Malacria & T. Pietrzak. LivingDesktop: augmenting desktop workstation with actuated devices. In Proceedings of CHI'16, p. 5298-5310, May 2016. ACM. [ACM] [HAL] [YouTube]CHI M. Achibet, G. Casiez & M. Marchal. DesktopGlove: a multi-finger force feedback interface separating degrees of freedom between hands. In Proceedings of 3DUI'16, p. 3-12, March 2016. IEEE. [IEEE] [HAL] [YouTube]3DUI L. Bagnères, O. Zinenko, S. Huot & C. Bastoul. Opening polyhedral compiler's black box. In Proceedings of CGO'16, p. 128-138, March 2016. ACM. [ACM] [HAL]CGO T. Tsandilas, G. Magdalini & S. Huot. BricoSketch: mixing paper and computer drawing tools in professional illustration. In Proceedings of ITS'15, p. 127-136, November 2015. [ACM] [HAL] [vimeo]ITS G. Casiez, S. Conversy, M. Falce, S. Huot & N. Roussel. Looking through the eye of the mouse: a simple method for measuring end-to-end latency using an optical mouse. In Proceedings of UIST'15, p. 629-636, November 2015. ACM. [ACM] [HAL] [YouTube]UIST M. Liu, M. Nancel & D. Vogel. Gunslinger: subtle arms-down mid-air interaction. In Proceedings of UIST'15, p. 63-71, November 2015. ACM. [ACM] [YouTube]UIST A. Goguey, J. Wagner & G. Casiez. Quantifying object- and command-oriented interaction. In Proceedings of INTERACT'15, p. 231-239, September 2015. Springer. [Springer] [HAL]Interact A. Kouyoumdjian, N. Ferey, P. Bourdot & S. Huot. Characterizing the influence of motion parameters on performance when acquiring moving targets. In Proceedings of INTERACT'15, p. 148-155, September 2015. Springer. [Springer] [HAL]Interact M. Constantinides, J. Dowell, D. Johnson & S. Malacria. Exploring mobile news reading interactions for news app personalisation. In Proceedings of MobileHCI, p. 457-462, August 2015. [ACM] [HAL] [YouTube]MobileHCI J. Barbosa, J. Malloch, M. Wanderley & S. Huot. What does evaluation mean for the NIME community? In Proceedings of NIME'15, June 2015. 6 pages. [HAL]NIME M. Nancel, D. Vogel & E. Lank. Clutching is not (necessarily) the enemy. In Proceedings of CHI'15, p. 4199-4202, April 2015. ACM. [ACM] [YouTube]CHI F. Haque, M. Nancel & D. Vogel. Myopoint: pointing and clicking using forearm mounted electromyography and inertial motion sensors. In Proceedings of CHI'15, p. 3653-3656, April 2015. ACM. [ACM] [YouTube]CHI M. Achibet, G. Casiez, A. Lécuyer & M. Marchal. THING: Introducing a tablet-based interaction technique for controlling 3D hand models. In Proceedings of CHI'15, p. 317-326, April 2015. ACM. [ACM] [HAL] [YouTube]CHI S. Malacria, J. Aceituno, P. Quinn, G. Casiez, A. Cockburn & N. Roussel. Push-edge and slide-edge: scrolling by pushing against the viewport edge. In Proceedings of CHI'15, p. 2773-2776, April 2015. ACM. [ACM] [HAL] [YouTube]CHI O. Zinenko, S. Huot & C. Bastoul. Clint: a direct manipulation tool for parallelizing compute-intensive program parts. In Proceedings of VL/HCC'14, p. 109-112, July 2014. IEEE. [IEEE] [HAL]VL/HCC J. D. Mathew, S. Huot & A. Blum. A morphological analysis of audio objects and their control methods for 3D audio. In Proceedings of NIME'14, p. 415-420, June 2014. [NIME] [HAL]NIME M. Beaudouin-Lafon, S. Huot, H. Olafsdottir & P. Dragicevic. GlideCursor: pointing with an inertial cursor. In Proceedings of AVI'14, p. 49-56, May 2014. ACM. [ACM] [HAL]AVI J. Gilliot, G. Casiez & N. Roussel. Impact of form factors and input conditions on absolute indirect-touch pointing tasks. In Proceedings of CHI'14, p. 723-732, April 2014. ACM. [ACM] [HAL] [YouTube]CHI M. Nancel & A. Cockburn. Causality: a conceptual model of interaction history. In Proceedings of CHI'14, p. 1777-1786, April 2014. ACM. [ACM] [YouTube] Honorable mention (top 5% of all submissions)CHI ★ C. Gutwin, A. Cockburn, J. Scarr, S. Malacria & S. C. Olson. Faster command selection on tablets with FastTap. In Proceedings of CHI'14, p. 2617-2626, 2014. ACM. [ACM] [HAL] [YouTube]CHI S. Malacria, J. Scarr, A. Cockburn, C. Gutwin & T. Grossman. Skillometers: reflective widgets that motivate and help users to improve performance. In Proceedings of UIST'13, p. 321-330, October 2013. ACM. [ACM] [video]UIST P. Quinn, S. Malacria & A. Cockburn. Touch scrolling transfer functions. In Proceedings of UIST'13, p. 61-70, October 2013. ACM. [ACM] [YouTube]UIST E. Ghomi, S. Huot, O. Bau, M. Beaudouin-Lafon & W. E. Mackay. Arpège: learning multitouch chord gestures vocabularies. In Proceedings of ITS'13, p. 209-218, October 2013. ACM. [ACM] [HAL] [YouTube]ITS D. Marchal, C. Moerman, G. Casiez & N. Roussel. Designing intuitive multi-touch 3D navigation techniques. In Proceedings of INTERACT'13, p. 19-36, September 2013. Springer. [Springer] [HAL] [YouTube]Interact S. Malacria, G. Bailly, J. Harrison, A. Cockburn & C. Gutwin. Promoting hotkey use through rehearsal with ExposeHK. In Proceedings of CHI'13, p. 573-582, April 2013. ACM. [ACM] [HAL] [YouTube]CHI M. Nancel, O. Chapuis, E. Pietriga, X-D. Yang, P. Irani & M. Beaudouin-Lafon. High-precision pointing on large wall displays using small handheld devices. In Proceedings of CHI'13, p. 831-840, April 2013. ACM. [ACM] [YouTube]CHI Q. Roy, S. Malacria, Y. Guiard, E. Lecolinet & J. Eagan. Augmented letters: mnemonic gesture-based shortcuts. In Proceedings of CHI'13, p. 2325-2328, April 2013. ACM. [ACM] [HAL] [YouTube]CHI J. Scarr, A. Cockburn, C. Gutwin & S. Malacria. Testing the robustness and performance of spatially consistent interfaces. In Proceedings of CHI'13, p. 3139-3148, April 2013. ACM. [ACM] [HAL] [YouTube]CHI J. Wagner, M. Nancel, S. G. Gustafson, S. Huot & W. E. Mackay. Body-centric design space for multi-surface interaction. In Proceedings of CHI'13, p. 1299-1308, April 2013. ACM. [ACM] [HAL] Honorable mention (top 5% of all submissions)CHI ★ J. Aceituno, G. Casiez & N. Roussel. How low can you go? Human limits in small unidirectional mouse movements. In Proceedings of CHI'13, p. 1383-1386, April 2013. ACM. [ACM] [HAL] [YouTube]CHI G. Bailly, T. Pietrzak, J. Deber & D. Wigdor. Metamorphe: augmenting hotkey usage with actuated keys. In Proceedings of CHI'13, p. 563-572, April 2013. ACM. [ACM] [HAL] [YouTube]CHI R-D. Vatavu, G. Casiez & L. Grisoni. Small, medium, or large? Estimating the user-perceived scale of stroke gestures. In Proceedings of CHI'13, p. 277-280, April 2013. ACM. [ACM] [HAL]CHI N. Roussel, G. Casiez, J. Aceituno & D. Vogel. Giving a hand to the eyes: leveraging input accuracy for subpixel interaction. In Proceedings of UIST'12, p. 351-358, October 2012. ACM. [ACM] [HAL] [YouTube]UIST P. Quinn, A. Cockburn, G. Casiez, N. Roussel & C. Gutwin. Exposing and understanding scrolling transfer functions. In Proceedings of UIST'12, p. 341-350, October 2012. ACM. [ACM] [HAL]UIST B. De Araùjo, G. Casiez & J. Jorge. Mockup Builder: direct 3D modeling on and above the surface in a continuous interaction space. In Proceedings of GI'12, p. 173-180, May 2012. ACM. [ACM] [HAL] [YouTube]GI E. Ghomi, G. Faure, S. Huot, O. Chapuis & M. Beaudouin-Lafon. Using rhythmic patterns as an input method. In Proceedings of CHI'12, p. 1253-1262, 2012. ACM. [ACM] [HAL] [YouTube] Best paper award (top 1% of all submissions)CHI ★ C. Liu, S. Huot, J. Diehl, W. E. Mackay & M. Beaudouin-Lafon. Evaluating the benefits of real-time feedback in mobile augmented reality with hand-held devices. In Proceedings of CHI'12, p. 2973-2976, 2012. ACM. [ACM] [HAL] Honorable mention (top 5% of all submissions)CHI ★ J. Wagner, S. Huot & W. E. Mackay. BiTouch and BiPad: designing bimanual interaction for hand-held tablets. In Proceedings of CHI'12, p. 2317-2326, May 2012. ACM. [ACM] [HAL]CHI G. Casiez, N. Roussel & D. Vogel. 1€ filter: a simple speed-based low-pass filter for noisy input in interactive systems. In Proceedings of CHI'12, p. 2527-2530, May 2012. ACM. [ACM] [HAL] [YouTube]CHI D. Vogel & G. Casiez. Hand occlusion on a multi-touch tabletop. In Proceedings of CHI'12, p. 2307-2316, May 2012. ACM. [ACM] [HAL]CHI F. Giraud, M. Amberg, B. Lemaire-Semail & G. Casiez. Design of a transparent tactile stimulator. In Proceedings of HAPTICS'12, p. 485-489, March 2012. IEEE. [IEEE] [HAL]HAPTICS G. Casiez & N. Roussel. No more bricolage! Methods and tools to characterize, replicate and compare pointing transfer functions. In Proceedings of UIST'11, p. 603-614, October 2011. ACM. [ACM] [HAL] [YouTube]UIST D. Vogel & G. Casiez. Conté: multimodal input inspired by an artist's crayon. In Proceedings of UIST'11, p. 357-366, October 2011. ACM. [ACM] [HAL] [YouTube]UIST P. Dragicevic, S. Huot & F. Chevalier. Gliimpse: animating from markup code to rendered documents and vice versa. In Proceedings of UIST'11, p. 257-262, October 2011. ACM. [ACM] [HAL]UIST R-D. Vatavu, D. Vogel, G. Casiez & L. Grisoni. Estimating the perceived difficulty of pen gestures. In Proceedings of INTERACT'11, p. 89-1063, September 2011. Springer. [Springer] [HAL]Interact S. Malacria, T. Pietrzak, A. Tabard & E. Lecolinet. U-Note: capture the class and access it everywhere. In Proceedings of INTERACT'11, p. 643-660, September 2011. Springer. [Springer] [HAL]Interact E. Pietriga, S. Huot, M. Nancel & R. Primet. Rapid development of user interfaces on cluster-driven wall displays with jBricks. In Proceedings of EICS'11, p. 185-190, 2011. ACM. [ACM] [HAL]EICS M. Nancel, J. Wagner, E. Pietriga, O. Chapuis & W. E. Mackay. Mid-air pan-and-zoom on wall-sized displays. In Proceedings of CHI'11, p. 177-186, May 2011. ACM. [ACM] Best paper award (top 1% of all submissions)CHI ★ S. Huot, O. Chapuis & P. Dragicevic. TorusDesktop: pointing via the backdoor is sometimes shorter. In Proceedings of CHI'11, p. 829-838, May 2011. ACM. [ACM] [HAL]CHI G. Casiez, N. Roussel, R. Vanbelleghem & F. Giraud. Surfpad: riding towards targets on a squeeze film effect. In Proceedings of CHI'11, p. 2491-2500, May 2011. ACM. [ACM] [HAL] Honorable mention (top 5% of all submissions)CHI ★ A. Martinet, G. Casiez & L. Grisoni. The effect of DOF separation in 3D manipulation tasks with multi-touch displays. In Proceedings of VRST'10, p. 111-118, November 2010. ACM. [ACM] [HAL] [YouTube]VRST S. Malacria, E. Lecolinet & Y. Guiard. Clutch-free panning and integrated pan-zoom control on touch-sensitive surfaces: the Cyclostar approach. In Proceedings of CHI'10, p. 2615-2624, May 2010. ACM. [ACM] [YouTube]CHI Q. Xu & G. Casiez. Push-and-pull switching: window switching based on window overlapping. In Proceedings of CHI'10, p. 1335-1338, May 2010. ACM. [ACM] [HAL] [YouTube]CHI F. Chevalier, S. Huot & J-D. Fekete. WikipediaViz: conveying article quality for casual Wikipedia readers. In Proceedings of PacificVis'10, p. 215-222, March 2010. IEEE. [IEEE] [HAL]PacificVis A. Choumane, G. Casiez & L. Grisoni. Buttonless clicking: intuitive select and pick-release through gesture analysis. In Proceedings of VR'10, p. 67-70, March 2010. IEEE. [IEEE] [HAL] Ranked among the top 10 papers of the conferenceVR ★ A. Martinet, G. Casiez & L. Grisoni. The design and evaluation of 3D positioning techniques for multi-touch displays. In Proceedings of 3DUI'10, p. 115-118, March 2010. IEEE. [IEEE] [HAL] [YouTube]3DUI International journal articles A. Loizeau, S. Malacria & M. Nancel. GUI Behaviors to Minimize Pointing-based Interaction Interferences. ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction, 2024. [HAL]TOCHI E. Mackamul, G. Casiez & S. Malacria. Clarifying and differentiating discoverability. Human-Computer Interaction, pages 1 - 26, June 2024. [HAL]HCI Journal C. Scotto, F. Petitcollin, O. Dupuy, G. Casiez, B. Dugué & L. Toussaint. Arm cooling selectively impacts sensorimotor control. Journal of Neurophysiology, 131(4):607-618, April 2024. [HAL]Journal of Neurophysiology J. Wentzel, M. Lakier, J. Hartmann, F. Shazib, G. Casiez & D. Vogel. A Comparison of Virtual Reality Menu Archetypes: Raycasting, Direct Input, and Marking Menus. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, pages 1-15, 2024. [HAL]TVCG M. Bernardo, Y. Blandin, G. Casiez & C. Scotto. Use of variable online visual feedback to optimize sensorimotor coding and learning of a motor sequence. PLoS ONE, 18(11):e0294138, November 2023. [...] [HAL]PONE M. Bernardo, Y. Blandin, G. Casiez & C. Scotto. Reliability of on-line visual feedback influences learning of continuous motor task of healthy young adults. Frontiers in Psychology, 14, October 2023. [...] [HAL]Frontiers in Psychology A. Khalin, R. Ushirobira, D. Efimov & G. Casiez. On Computer Mouse Pointing Model Online Identification and Endpoint Prediction. IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems, 52(5), October 2022. [HAL]SMC-C V. R. Mercado, F. Argelaguet Sanz, G. Casiez & A. Lécuyer. Watch out for the Robot! Designing Visual Feedback Safety Techniques When Interacting With Encountered-Type Haptic Displays. Frontiers in Virtual Reality, 3:1-18, July 2022. [...] [HAL]Frontiers in VR L. Fernandez, G. Montagne & G. Casiez. Studying the timescale of perceptual-motor (re)calibration following a change in visual display gain. Human Movement Science, 82, April 2022. [Elsevier] [HAL]Human Movement Science K. Fennedy, A. Srivastava, S. Malacria & S. T. Perrault. Towards a Unified and Efficient Command Selection Mechanism for Touch-Based Devices Using Soft Keyboard Hotkeys. ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction, 29(1), January 2022. [ACM] [HAL]ToCHI A. M. Feit, M. Nancel, M. John, A. Karrenbauer, D. Weir & A. Oulasvirta. AZERTY amélioré: computational design on a national scale. Communications of the ACM, 64(2):48-58, January 2021. [ACM] [HAL]Communications of the ACM G. Richard, T. Pietrzak, F. Argelaguet Sanz, A. Lécuyer & G. Casiez. Studying the Role of Haptic Feedback on Virtual Embodiment in a Drawing Task. Frontiers in Virtual Reality, 2020. [HAL]Frontiers in VR S. Aranovskiy, R. Ushirobira, D. Efimov & G. Casiez. A switched dynamic model for pointing tasks with a computer mouse. Asian Journal of Control, 22(4):1387-1400, July 2020. [...] [HAL]AJC C. Scotto, V. H. Vu, G. Casiez & L. Fernandez. Sensorimotor control and linear visuomotor gains. Experimental Brain Research, 238(9):1997-2007, September 2020. [Springer] [HAL]Experimental Brain Research C. Scotto, A. Meugnot, G. Casiez & L. Toussaint. Short-Term Sensorimotor Deprivation Impacts Feedforward and Feedback Processes of Motor Control. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 14:22, July 2020. [Frontiers] [HAL]Frontiers in Neuroscience H. Si-Mohammed, J. Petit, C. Jeunet, F. Argelaguet Sanz, F. Spindler, A. Evain, N. Roussel, G. Casiez & A. Lécuyer. Towards BCI-based Interfaces for Augmented Reality: Feasibility, Design and Evaluation. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, pages 1608-1621, March 2020. [IEEE] [HAL]TVCG J. D. Mathew, S. Huot & B. F. G. Katz. Comparison of Spatial and Temporal Interaction Techniques for 3D Audio Trajectory Authoring. Journal on Multimodal User Interfaces, pages 1-18, 2020. [Springer] [HAL]JMUI S. Aranovskiy, R. Ushirobira, D. Efimov & G. Casiez. An adaptive FIR filter for trajectory prediction and latency reduction in direct Human-Computer interactions. Control Engineering Practice, pages to appear, 2019. [HAL]Control Engineering Practice O. Zinenko, S. Huot & C. Bastoul. Visual Program Manipulation in the Polyhedral Model. ACM Transactions on Architecture and Code Optimization, 15(1):1 - 25, March 2018. [ACM] [HAL]TACO J. D. Mathew, S. Huot & B. F. G. Katz. Survey and implications for the design of new 3D audio production and authoring tools. Journal on Multimodal User Interfaces, pages 1-11, April 2017. [Springer] [HAL]JMUI A. Goguey, D. Vogel, F. Chevalier, T. Pietrzak, N. Roussel & G. Casiez. Leveraging finger identification to integrate multi-touch command selection and parameter manipulation. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 99:21-36, March 2017. [Elsevier] [HAL]IJHCS F. Calegario, M. Wanderley, S. Huot, G. Cabral & G. Ramalho. A method and toolkit for digital musical instruments: generating ideas and prototypes. IEEE MultiMedia, 24(1):63-71, January 2017. [IEEE] [HAL]IEEE Multimedia J. Aceituno, S. Malacria, P. Quinn, N. Roussel, A. Cockburn & G. Casiez. The design, use, and performance of edge-scrolling techniques. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 97:58-76, January 2017. [Elsevier]IJHCS A. Evain, F. A. Sanz, G. Casiez, N. Roussel & A. Lécuyer. Design and evaluation of fusion approach for combining brain and gaze inputs for target selection. Frontiers in Neuroscience (Neuroprosthetics section), 10:454, 2016. 22 pages. [Frontiers] [HAL]Frontiers in Neuroscience A. Evain, F. A. Sanz, G. Casiez, N. Roussel & A. Lécuyer. Do the stimuli of an SSVEP-based BCI really have to be the same as the stimuli used for training it? Brain-Computer Interfaces, 3(2):103-111, June 2016. [Taylor & Francis] [HAL]BCI M. Nancel, E. Pietriga, O. Chapuis & M. Beaudouin-Lafon. Mid-air pointing on ultra-walls. ACM ToCHI, 22(5), October 2015. [ACM] [HAL]ToCHI J. Dowell, S. Malacria, H. Kim & E. Anstead. Companion apps for information-rich television programmes: representation and interaction. Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, 19(7), July 2015. [Springer] [HAL]PUC A. Cockburn, C. Gutwin, J. Scarr & S. Malacria. Supporting novice to expert transitions in user interfaces. ACM Computing Surveys, 47(2), November 2014. [ACM]CSUR B. De Araùjo, G. Casiez, J. Jorge & M. Hachet. Mockup Builder: 3D modeling on and above the surface. Elsevier Computer & Graphics, 37(3):165-178, May 2013. Extended version of GI'12 and 3DCHI'12 papers. [Elsevier] [HAL]CAG M. Beaudouin-Lafon, S. Huot, M. Nancel, W. E. Mackay, E. Pietriga, R. Primet, J. Wagner, O. Chapuis, C. Pillias, J. Eagan, T. Gjerlufsen & C. Klokmose. Multi-surface interaction in the WILD room. IEEE Computer, 45(4):48-56, April 2012. [IEEE] [HAL]IEEE Computer A. Martinet, G. Casiez & L. Grisoni. Integrality and separability of multitouch interaction techniques in 3D manipulation tasks. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 18(3):369-380, March 2012. Extended version of a VRST 2010 paper. [IEEE] [HAL]TVCG Domestic conference papers B. Fruchard, T. Maszewki & C. Avezou. Etude de conception d'un outil d'analyse de données d'escalade de difficulté. In Proceedings of the AFIHM Conférence Francophone sur l'interaction Humain-Machine (IHM 2024), March 2024. AFIHM. [HAL]IHM C. Thierry, G. Casiez, J-C. Dubois, Y. Le Gall, S. Malacria, T. Pietrzak, A. Martin & P. Uro. Quantifying and Leveraging Uncertain and Imprecise Answers in Multiple Choice Questionnaires for Crowdsourcing. In Proceedings of the AFIHM Conférence Francophone sur l'interaction Humain-Machine (IHM 2024),, March 2024. [HAL]IHM A. Antoine, S. Malacria, D. Vogel & G. Casiez. Studying the influence of the size of a virtual trackball on 3D rotations. In Proceedings of IHM'22, April 2022. ACM. [ACM] [HAL]IHM A. Goguey, S. Malacria, A. Cockburn & C. Gutwin. Reducing Error Aversion to Support Novice-to-Expert Transitions with FastTap. In Proceedings of IHM'19, p. 1:1-10, December 2019. ACM. [ACM] [HAL]IHM E. Lank, P. Meyer, D. Masson & H. Rateau. Measuring the Effect of Public vs Private Context on the Kinematics of Smartphone Motion Gestures. In Proceedings of IHM'19, p. 14:1-6, December 2019. ACM. [ACM] [HAL]IHM M. Baloup, V. Oudjail, T. Pietrzak & G. Casiez. Pointing Techniques for Distant Targets in Virtual Reality. In Proceedings of IHM'18, p. 8, October 2018. [HAL]IHM T. Raffaillac & S. Huot. Applying the Entity-Component-System Model to Interaction Programming. In Proceedings of IHM'18, p. 42-51, October 2018. [HAL]IHM L. Potier, T. Pietrzak, G. Casiez & N. Roussel. Designing tactile patterns using programmable friction. In Proceedings of IHM'16, p. 1-7, October 2016. ACM. [ACM] [HAL]IHM S. Malacria, A. Goguey, G. Bailly & G. Casiez. Étude de terrain sur l'utilisation des pavés tactiles. In Proceedings of IHM'16, p. 19-24, October 2016. ACM. [ACM] [HAL]IHM T. Pietrzak, N. Roussel, A. Gupta & R. Balakrishnan. Manipulation dialogique pour affichages tactiles. In Proceedings of IHM'15, October 2015. ACM. 10 pages. [ACM] [HAL]IHM M. Berthellemy, E. Cayez, M. Ajem, G. Bailly, S. Malacria & E. Lecolinet. SpotPad, LociPad, ChordPad & InOutPad : exploration de l'interaction gestuelle sur pavé tactile. In Proceedings of IHM'15, October 2015. ACM. 6 pages. [ACM] [HAL]IHM T. Pietrzak, S. Malacria & G. Bailly. CtrlMouse et TouchCtrl : dupliquer les délimiteurs de mode sur la souris. In Proceedings of IHM'14, p. 38-47, October 2014. ACM. [ACM] [HAL]IHM J. Gilliot, G. Casiez & N. Roussel. Direct and indirect multi-touch interaction on a wall display. In Proceedings of IHM'14, p. 147-152, October 2014. ACM. [ACM] [HAL] [YouTube]IHM A. Goguey, G. Casiez, T. Pietrzak, D. Vogel & N. Roussel. Adoiraccourcix : sélection de commandes sur écrans tactiles multi-points par identification des doigts. In Proceedings of IHM'14, p. 28-37, October 2014. ACM. [ACM] [HAL] Best paper awardIHM ★ G. Bailly & S. Malacria. MenuInspector: outil pour l'analyse des menus et cas d'étude. In Proceedings of IHM'13, p. 103-106, November 2013. ACM. [ACM]IHM J. Wagner, W. E. Mackay & S. Huot. Left-over windows cause window clutter... But what causes left-over windows? In Proceedings of ErgoIHM'12, p. 47-50, October 2012. ACM. [HAL]IHM L. Potier, T. Pietrzak, G. Casiez & N. Roussel. Méthodologie de conception de textures pour les interfaces tactiles à frottement programmable. In Proceedings of ErgoIHM'12, p. 132-139, October 2012. ACM. [ACM] [HAL]IHM J. Gilliot, G. Casiez & N. Roussel. Technique multi-points indirecte relative pour l'interaction avec des écrans de grandes dimensions. In Proceedings of ErgoIHM'12, p. 63-66, October 2012. ACM. [HAL] [YouTube]IHM G. Casiez, N. Roussel, R. Vanbelleghem & F. Giraud. Efficacité et robustesse aux distracteurs d'un retour tactile pour faciliter le pointage. In Proceedings of IHM'10, p. 25-32, September 2010. ACM. [ACM] [HAL] Best paper awardIHM ★ J-P. Deblonde, G. Casiez & L. Grisoni. Méthode de détermination des fonctions de gains. In Proceedings of IHM'10, p. 141-144, September 2010. ACM. [ACM] [HAL]IHM F. Chevalier, S. Huot & J-D. Fekete. Visualisation de mesures agrégées pour l'estimation de la qualité des articles Wikipedia. In Proceedings of EGC'10, p. 351-362, January 2010. Cépaduès. [HAL]EGC Domestic journal articles M. Baloup, T. Pietrzak & G. Casiez. Improving Raycasting using Proximity Selection and Filtering. Journal d'Interaction Personne-Système, Special issue : the best of IHM'2018, 8(1):61-83, December 2019. [HAL]JIPS D. Dréan, S. Bouilland, D. Nadalini, A. Baillet, J. Lozada, M. Wiertlewski, L. Grisoni, G. Casiez, F. Giraud & J-M. Flamant. REACTIVE : développement d’un outil de rééducation pour les accidentés vasculaires cérébraux en réalité virtuelle. Elsevier IRBM, 32(2):139-141, March 2011. Special issue on the ANR TecSan program. [Elsevier] [HAL]IRBM PhD and Habilitation thesis Y. Chen. Pervasive Desktop Computing by Direct Manipulation of an Augmented Lamp. Theses, Université de Lille ; University of Waterloo (Canada), September 2024. [HAL]PhD J. F. Gonzalez Avila. Facilitating Programming-Based 3D Computer-Aided Design Using Bidirectional Programming. Theses, Université de Lille ; Carleton University, April 2024. [HAL]PhD S. Malacria. Why interaction methods should be exposed and recognizable. Université de lille, October 2023. [HAL]Hab. G. Richard. Rôle du retour haptique dans les interactions avec des avatars en réalité virtuelle. Université de Lille, June 2023. [HAL]PhD P. Schmid. Developing advanced command histories to improve digital editing processes. Université de Lille, June 2023. [Google]PhD T. Pietrzak. On the critical role of the sensorimotor loop on the design of interaction techniques and interactive devices. Université de Lille, July 2022. [HAL]Hab. M. Baloup. Interaction techniques for object selection and facial expression control in virtual reality. Université de Lille, December 2021. [HAL]PhD A. Antoine. Study of strategies and design of tools for creating illustrations representing interaction scenarios. Université de Lille, January 2021. [HAL]PhD N. K. C. Pong. Interacting With Signifier-less Designs -– the case of swhidgets. Université de Lille, October 2020. [HAL]PhD H. Si-Mohammed. Conception et Étude de Systèmes Interactifs basés sur les Interfaces Cerveau-Ordinateur et la Réalité Augmentée. Université de Rennes, December 2019. [HAL]PhD T. Raffaillac. Améliorer les langages et bibliothèques logicielles pour programmer l’interaction. Université de Lille, December 2019. [Google]PhD J. Barbosa. Direct Manipulation for Musical Interfaces Based on Visual Software: Design and Evaluation. McGill University, May 2019. [HAL]PhD A. Chalbi. Understanding and designing animations in the user interfaces. Université de Lille, April 2018. [HAL]PhD J. D. Mathew. A design framework for user interfaces of 3D audio production tools. Université Paris-Saclay, October 2017. [HAL] S. Huot. Designeering interaction: a missing link in the evolution of Human-Computer Interaction. Habilitation à diriger des recherches, Université Paris-Sud, France, May 2013. 205 pages. [...] [HAL] M. Nancel. Designing and combining interaction techniques in large display environments. Thèse de Doctorat, Université Paris-Sud, Orsay, France, Décembre 2012. 236 pages. [HAL] G. Casiez. Du mouvement à l'interaction et au geste : études, techniques, outils et périphériques. Habilitation à diriger des recherches, Université Lille 1, France, November 2012. 282 pages. [HAL] Book chapters M. Beaudouin-Lafon, C. Chevalier, G. Grimaud, B. Groz, P. Marquet, M. Nancel, C. Pelsser, X. Redon, T. Vantroys & E. Waller. Numérique et Sciences Informatiques, Terminale spécialité, Hachette Education, March 2022. [HAL] M. Beaudouin-Lafon, B. Groz, M. Nancel, O. Marcé & E. Waller. Numérique et Sciences Informatiques, 1ère spécialité, Hachette Education, April 2021. [HAL] J. Malloch, J. Garcia, M. M. Wanderley, W. E. Mackay, M. Beaudouin-Lafon & S. Huot. A Design Workbench for Interactive Music Systems. In S. Holland, T. Mudd, K. Wilkie-McKenna, A. McPherson & M. M. Wanderley, editors, New Directions in Music and Human-Computer Interaction, Springer Series on Cultural Computing, p. 23-40, Springer, Cham, February 2019. [Springer] [HAL] F. Argelaguet Sanz, B. Arnaldi, J-M. Burkhardt, G. Casiez, S. Donikian, F. Gosselin, X. Granier, P. Le Callet, V. Lepetit, M. Marchal, G. Moreau, J. Perret & T. Vigier. Complexity and Scientific Challenges. In B. Arnaldi, P. Guitton & G. Moreau, editors, Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality - Myths and Realities, volume chapitre 3, p. 123-216, ISTE - Wiley, March 2018. [Wiley] [HAL] G. Casiez, X. Granier, M. Hachet, V. Lepetit, G. Moreau & O. Nannipieri. Towards VE that are More Closely Related to the Real World. In B. Arnaldi, P. Guitton & G. Moreau, editors, Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality - Myths and Realities, chapter 4, Wiley, March 2018. [Wiley] [HAL] A. Evain, N. Roussel, G. Casiez, F. A. Sanz & A. Lécuyer. Interfaces cerveau-ordinateur pour l'interaction Homme-Machine. In M. Clerc, L. Bougrain & F. Lotte, editors, Les interfaces cerveau-ordinateur : fondements et méthodes, chapter 12, p. 259-276, ISTE, Juillet 2016. [ISTE] A. Evain, N. Roussel, G. Casiez, F. A. Sanz & A. Lécuyer. Brain-computer interfaces for Human-Computer interaction. In M. Clerc, L. Bougrain & F. Lotte, editors, Brain-computer interfaces: foundations and methods, chapter 12, p. 251-270, Wiley, July 2016. Version anglaise du livre publié par ISTE. [Wiley] [HAL] Patents S. Aranovskiy, G. Casiez, D. Efimov, N. Roussel & R. Ushirobira. Dispositif à affichage prédictif. Patent application 1000365810, Inria & Université Lille 1, September 2016. [HAL] S. Conversy, G. Casiez, M. Falce, S. Huot & N. Roussel. Arrangement to measure and use latency between an input interface and an output interface of a processing device. Patent application number EP15306665.9, ENAC, Inria & Université Lille 1, October 2015. [HAL] S. Cotin, G. Casiez, M. Lekkal & R. Trivisonne. Interface de commande à distance d'un dispositif de contrôle et d'affichage d'informations dans une salle d'opération chirurgicale. Patent application number 14 60867, Université Lille 1 & Inria, November 2014. [HAL] G. Casiez & D. Vogel. Multi-touch human interface system and device for graphical input, and method for processing image in such a system. Patent application number WO2011IB02856, Université Lille 1 & Inria, October 2011. [Espacenet] [HAL] J-B. de la Riviere, C. Chartier, M. Hachet, B. Bossavit & G. Casiez. System for colocating a touch screen and a virtual object, and device for manipulating virtual objects implementing such a system. Patent application number WO2012EP61429, Inria & Immersion, June 2011. [Espacenet] [HAL] Position papers, demonstrations, work-in-progress, posters, etc. S. Malacria. Utiliser tout le potentiel de nos écrans connectés [podcast et retranscription]. July 2024. [HAL] M. Nahon, A. Tabard & A. Serna. Capturing stakeholders values and preferences regarding algorithmic systems. March 2024. Travaux en Cours, Actes Etendus d'IHM 2024. [HAL]IHM R. Perraud. Adaptability of software tutorials to user interfaces. 2024. Video tutorials have become one the main media to learn software literacy. However, customizable user interfaces introduces challengesfor learners, as differences between the demonstrated interface in tutorials and the learner's interface may impede effective learning.These differences are exacerbated by software updates that alter features, commands, and visual representations between interfaces.This leads to discrepancies between tutorial demonstrations and learners' interfaces, that impede effective learning and causingobsolescence. This thesis addresses this issue by introducing ”interface distance” and explores its impact on user learnability. To facethese challenges, this research will develop the concept of adaptable tutorials to minize these interface differences and cover the maincases of tutorial depreciation.. [HAL]IHM T. J. West, S. Huot & M. M. Wanderley. Sygaldry: DMI Components First and Foremost. NIME 2024, September 2024. Poster. [HAL]NIME G. Casiez, S. Malacria & E. Mackamul. Signifidgets : What you see is what widget ! In Proceedings of IHM'23, April 2023. [HAL]IHM A. Loizeau. Comprendre et concevoir avec l'erreur dans les systèmes interactifs. In IHM'23 - doctoral consortium, April 2023. [Google]IHM B. Fruchard, C. Avezou, S. Malacria, G. Casiez & S. Huot. A Case Study on the Design and Use of an Annotation and Analytical Tool Tailored To Lead Climbing. April 2023. [ACM] [HAL]CHI E. Mackamul. Improving the Discoverability of Interactions in Interactive Systems. Proceedings of CHI 2022 (Doctoral consortium), April 2022. [ACM] [HAL]CHI C. Frisson, J. Decaudin, M. Sanz-Lopez & T. Pietrzak. Printgets: an Open-Source Toolbox for Designing Vibrotactile Widgets with Industrial-Grade Printed Actuators and Sensors. Proceedings of HAID 2020 Workshop, August 2020. [HAL]HAID D. Masson, S. Malacria, E. Lank & G. Casiez. Bringing Interactivity to Research Papers and Presentations with Chameleon. CHI'20 Extended abstracts (interactivity exhibit), April 2020. [ACM] [HAL]CHI L. A. Elkin, J-B. Beau, G. Casiez & D. Vogel. A 26-Contact Tangible Pen-Like Input Device for Capacitive Displays. CHI'20 Extended abstracts (interactivity exhibit), April 2020. [ACM] [HAL]CHI C. Thierry, G. Casiez, J-C. Dubois, Y. Le Gall, S. Malacria, A. Martin, T. Pietrzak & P. Uro. Interface de Recueil de Données Imparfaites pour le CrowdSourcing. EGC 2020 - Humains et IA, travailler en intelligence Atelier de la conférence, January 2020. [HAL]EGC C. Thierry, Y. Le Gall, G. Casiez, J-C. Dubois, S. Malacria, A. Martin & T. Pietrzak. Interface for collecting answers to equivocal questions for crowdsourcing. Workshop Visualization &HCI for Crowd-Sourcing, June 2019. [HAL]GDR IG-RV MAGIS A. Goguey, G. Casiez, A. Cockburn & C. Gutwin. Storyboard-Based Empirical Modeling of Touch Interface Performance. In Adjunct proceedings of CHI'18 (demonstration), April 2018. ACM. [ACM] [HAL]CHI A. Antoine, S. Malacria & G. Casiez. TurboMouse: End-to-end Latency Compensation in Indirect Interaction. In Adjunct proceedings of CHI'18 (demonstration), April 2018. ACM. [ACM] [HAL]CHI A. Antoine. Understanding and improving the relation between interaction simplicity and expressivity for producing illustrations. In Adjunct proceedings of IHM'18 (rencontres doctorales), p. 1-6, October 2018. [HAL]IHM C. Scotto Di Cesare, V. H. Vu, G. Casiez & L. Fernandez. Sensorimotor control and linear visuohaptic gain. In Adjunct proceedings of Eurohaptics'18, June 2018. [HAL] [...]EuroHaptics E. Alawoe, T. Pietrzak & S. Huot. Outil de sélection de texte manuscrit sur des documents numérisés. In SIFED 2018 - Symposium International Francophone sur l'Ecrit et le Document, May 2018. [HAL]SIFED C. Frisson, J. Decaudin, T. Pietrzak, A. A. Ng, P. A. Poncet, F. A. Casset, A. A. Latour & S. A. Brewster. Designing Vibrotactile Widgets with Printed Actuators and Sensors. In Adjunct proceedings of UIST'17 (demonstrations), p. 11-13, October 2017. ACM. [HAL]UIST M. Baloup, V. Oudjail & G. Casiez. libParamTuner : interactive tuning of parameters without code recompilation. Adjunct proceedings of IHM'17 (demonstrations), August 2017. [...] [HAL]IHM N. K. C. Pong. Understanding and Increasing Users' Interaction Vocabulary. In Adjunct proceedings of IHM'17 (rencontres doctorales), August 2017. A25-A28. [...] [HAL]IHM T. Pietrzak, G. Bailly & S. Malacria. Actuated Peripherals as Tangibles in Desktop Interaction. Workshop, ETIS, June 2017. [...] [HAL]ETIS B. Lee, M. Nancel & A. Oulasvirta. AutoGain: Adapting Gain Functions by Optimizing Submovement Efficiency. CoRR, abs/1611.08154, June 2016. [...]CoRR T. Pietrzak. Towards the full experience of playing drums on a virtual drum kit. Workshop abstract, Symposium on force feedback and music, McGill University, December 2016. [HAL] A. Chalbi. Comprendre et concevoir les animations dans le contexte des interfaces graphiques. In Adjunct proceedings of IHM'16 (rencontres doctorales), October 2016. 4 pages. [HAL]IHM A. Antoine, S. Malacria & G. Casiez. Utilisation de la force sur pavés tactiles pour le défilement automatique. In Proceedings of IHM'16, p. 264-270, October 2016. ACM. [ACM] [HAL]IHM M. Wanderley, J. Malloch, J. Garcia, W. E. Mackay, M. Beaudouin-Lafon & S. Huot. Human Computer Interaction meets Computer Music: the MIDWAY project. Position paper, CHI'16 Workshop on Music and HCI, May 2016. 4 pages. [...] [HAL]CHI A. Gupta & T. Pietrzak. A new haptic interaction paradigm. Position paper, CHI'16 Workshop on mid-air haptics and displays, May 2016. 2 pages. [Google]CHI C. Frisson, S. Malacria, G. Bailly & T. Dutoit. InspectorWidget: a system to analyze users' behaviors in their applications. In CHI'16 Extended abstracts (late-breaking works), p. 1548-1554, May 2016. ACM. [ACM] [HAL]CHI C. Frisson, T. Pietrzak, S. Zhao, Z. Schwemler & A. Israr. Web audio haptics. Tutorial material, Web Audio Conference tutorial on haptics with web audio, April 2016. [...] [HAL]WAC M. Constantinides, J. Dowell, D. Johnson & S. Malacria. Habito news: a research tool to investigate mobile news reading. In Adjunct proceedings of MobileHCI (demonstrations), p. 598, August 2015. [ACM] [HAL]MobileHCI O. Zinenko, C. Bastoul & S. Huot. Manipulating visualization, not codes. In Proceedings of IMPACT '15, the 5th International Workshop on Polyhedral Compilation Techniques, January 2015. 8 pages. [...] [HAL]IMPACT A. Goguey, G. Casiez, D. Vogel, F. Chevalier, T. Pietrzak & N. Roussel. A three-step interaction pattern for improving discoverability in finger identification techniques. In Adjunct proceedings of UIST'14 (demonstrations), p. 33-34, October 2014. ACM. [ACM] [HAL]UIST P. Dragicevic, F. Chevalier & S. Huot. Running an HCI experiment in multiple parallel universes. In CHI'14 Extended abstracts (alt.CHI), p. 607-618, April 2014. ACM. [ACM] [HAL] [YouTube]CHI T. Miyaki, A. Truong, T. Pietrzak, G. Casiez & N. Roussel. On-body touch interaction using printed epidermal electrodes. Position paper, CHI'14 Workshop on Assistive Augmentation, April 2014. 2 pages. [pdf] [HAL]CHI S. Perrault, S. Malacria, Y. Guiard & E. Lecolinet. Watchit: simple gestures for interacting with a watchstrap. In CHI'12 Extended abstracts (video showcase), p. 1467-1468, May 2012. ACM. [ACM] [YouTube]CHI B. De Araùjo, G. Casiez, J. Jorge & M. Hachet. Modeling on and above a stereoscopic multitouch display. Paper presented at the CHI'12 workshop on the 3rd dimension of CHI (3DCHI), May 2012. 8 pages. [HAL]CHI T. Pietrzak, S. Malacria & E. Lecolinet. S-Notebook: augmenting mobile devices with interactive paper for data management. In Proceedings of AVI'12, p. 733-736, May 2012. ACM. Interactive poster. [ACM] [HAL]AVI F. Giraud, M. Amberg, B. Lemaire-Semail, G. Casiez, P. Olivo & N. Roussel. Transparent tactile devices based on the squeeze film air bearing. Hands-on demonstration, Haptics Symposium, March 2012. [Google] Nominated for the best poster/demo awardHAPTICS ★ M. Amberg, F. Giraud, B. Lemaire-Semail, P. Olivo, G. Casiez & N. Roussel. STIMTAC, a tactile input device with programmable friction. In Adjunct proceedings of UIST'11 (demonstrations), p. 7-8, October 2011. ACM. [ACM] [HAL] [YouTube] Best demo award, second placeUIST ★ T. Pietrzak & R. Balakrishnan. Haptic wristband: wearable and wireless haptic device. Demonstration and poster at the GRAND conference, May 2011. [...]GRAND C. Liu, J. Diehl, S. Huot & J. Borchers. Mobile augmented note-taking to support operating physical devices. In Proceedings of MobileHCI's workshop on Mobile Augmented Reality, August 2011. [HAL]MobileHCI M. Baglioni, S. Malacria, E. Lecolinet & Y. Guiard. Flick-and-brake: finger control over inertial/sustained scroll motion. In CHI'11 Extended abstracts (works in progress), p. 2281-2286, May 2011. ACM. [ACM] [YouTube]CHI A. Martinet, G. Casiez & L. Grisoni. Comparing most recent 3D manipulation techniques for multi-touch displays. In Proceedings of ITS'10, p. 310, November 2010. ACM. Demonstration. [ACM]ITS T. Pietrzak, S. Malacria, A. Tabard & E. Lecolinet. What do U-Note? An augmented note taking system for the classroom. Paper presented at the workshop on Paper Computing, September 2010. 4 pages. [...] [HAL]PaperComp Popular science G. Saulière, B. Fruchard, L. Reveret & T. Goyallon. Boxe : comment mieux comprendre les combats pour aider les athlètes grâce à l'analyse video. The Conversation, April 2023. [HAL] [HAL]The Conversation M. Beaudouin-Lafon, E. Pietriga, W. E. Mackay, S. Huot, C. Pillias & R. Primet. 131 millions de pixel qui font le mur. Plein Sud Spécial Recherche, pages 124-131, 2011. Université Paris-Sud. [Google]Plein Sud Conference proceedings R. Blanch, C. Coutrix & T. Pietrzak. Actes de la 31e conférence francophone sur l'Interaction Homme-Machine. December 2019. Avant-propos des actes de la 31e conférence francophone sur l'Interaction Homme-Machine. [HAL]IHM A. Goguey, O. Chapuis, S. Conversy, G. Casiez & T. Pietrzak, editors. Proceedings of IHM'14. ACM, October 2014. [ACM] [HAL]IHM J. Aceituno, R. Blanch, S. Huot, M. Hachet & N. Roussel, editors. Proceedings of IHM'13. ACM, November 2013. [ACM] [HAL]IHM Book or journal edition T. Pietrzak & M. M. Wanderley. Haptic and audio interaction design, volume 14, Springer, August 2020. [Springer] [HAL]JMUI